You can use our P2P service to view your camera. Make sure the camera has power and is connected to your router via Wi-Fi or ethernet cable. Then follow these steps:
Download LaView NET app:
- Open the LaView NET app. In the menu tap LaView P2P.
- In LaView P2P click Register.
- Enter email address and verification picture. Tap get verification code. Email with verification code will be sent to registered email. Create username and password after entering code.
- Login using email/username and password. Enable “Auto-login”.
- Tap the (+) icon to add a device to the account.
- Scan the QR code on the camera.
- Tap the (+) symbol to add your camera.
- Enter the verification code located on the side or back of the camera.
- Tap on the newly added device.
- Press “Start Live View” and be sure to enjoy your camera.
*If using 4G/LTE with bad signal, you may not obtain a picture. Attempt using a strong signal.